July 5, 2005


The general consensus if for a vote for change about the way the "List" is handled.
Tomorrow (Wednesday, July 6) is the Fantastic Four premiere. Since most of the photographers will probably be at this premiere, I believe a vote is in order.

The issues on the ballot are:

2 hour break- current way

4 hour break- same as 2 hour, with 4 hour break instead. Annexes are eliminated.

No breaks- you remain the entire time at the theater. 15-30 minutes allowed for bathroom and snacks.

Two list system- Two lists are kept. All decisions as to which list you want are final.
All Day list (AD)- You remain at the theater all day. Small breaks for lunch and bathroom. Cut off time for list is 2pm.
Touch and Go list (TAG)- Check in anytime, can leave theater until 1/2 hour before PRESS CHECK-IN. Any arrivals after 2pm are automatically placed at the bottom of the TAG list. You cannot advance/decrease on this list.
TAG is added to the end of the AD to create line up order.

I think this is an accurate representation of what has been discussed in the TWO -vs- FOUR HOUR BREAK forum. If you wish to add to this post, please do so on the discussion forum.

A list with all options discussed will be handed out for review at the premiere. A vote should be taken immediately before the premiere. All votes will be on an anonymous ballot. Names will be taken for proof of vote only. Anyone not at the premiere will be emailed this info for a vote.
Results will be posted and emailed to all on Friday, July 8, 2005. This should allow for absentee voters to be informed and counted.