July 15, 2005

The Vote Is In....

With a total of 57 photographers participating, and collecting ballots from July 6-14, 2005 the results are:

Two Hour Break--------- 8 votes/ 14%
Four Hour Break-------- 30 votes/ 53%
No Breaks--------------- 19 votes/ 33%

I belive the next step is to have a run off between the [No Breaks] and [Four Hour Break] choices.

To pass an ammendmet to the US Constitution, a three quarter (3/4) vote is necessary (Article V). WE THE PEOPLE have used the US Constitution since 1791, I think that it's a good place to start. And if we can't get the 3/4 vote? The current two hour system will remain.

We should make sure we hammer out all the specifics for both plans so their is no confusion.

I started another discussion group to finalize ideas.

You can find it here: FINALIZE THE VOTE.

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