March 29, 2007

JLo Please Go Away

We've had a hell of a run with JLo this week.

TRL on Tuesday, post party for her book, book signing up town. It's a JLo overdose.

Arrivals for TRL was a clusterf**k. When she left it was a little better.
When she arrived at the party, she closed down Broadway and 49th St. when hundreds of fans, tourists, onlookers, security, cops and press mobbed her and Marc and filled the street, blocking traffic and causing havoc.
But, at least she arrived early for her book signing uptown at FYE. And for this I'm glad, because I don't think I could have listened to that song of hers they kept playing over and over on the loudspeaker. It'll drive you to go postal.

We wait for JLo at FYE. Thanks to Jason K. for the photo

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