July 31, 2008

Recruiting Candid Celebrity Photographers

Dear Photographers,

Hello from Everett Collection. I am writing to ask if any of you can recommend yourself or other photographers who shoot celebrity candids - not the hardcore stalkerazzi shots of celebs hiding from the camera, but the more casual "on the street" shots of them out and about getting their coffee, shopping, or coming and going from nightclubs and restaurants, as well as any movie or video shoots on location.

In the past, we were not accepting anything that was not from invited and credentialed coverage on the red carpet, but as we've grown these last few years (and as our foreign network of partner agents has really increased our share in the foreign markets) we continue to get an increased demand for the more candid celebrity images from our clients. While we do not want to receive coverage that is too aggressive or offensive (we don't want images that came from trespassing on private property or chasing down celebrities in their cars), we know we could make good sales on candids, and appreciate any referrals you can offer.

We are also not aiming to do the FIRST SALES on EXCLUSIVE images, but rather hope to find a shooter who uses his/her primary agency for the first sales on exclusives, but who then has rights to syndicate similars or outtakes for secondary sales through supplemental partners, perhaps after an initial embargo period has expired. We would be happy to accommodate them with a byline that is an alias or pseudonym, if this is their preference. They would retain copyright on all images and receive 50% royalties on all license fees.

Thank you for any recommendations of names, telephone numbers and email addresses you can provide, and feel free to forward my contact information as well.

Take care,

Michael Williams
Director of Entertainment Photo Assignments

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